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  • Sabah Tyagi

Cancer, Depression and Anxiety: caring for your physical and mental health

Everything was going normal and one fine day, you come across the nightmare of your life. You question yourself, when and where did it went wrong? Why it had to be you? Cancer is one such nightmare which comes unannounced and make its appearance after reaching the level which is difficult to treat. People diagnosed with cancer tend to have substantial impact on their physical and mental health. Anxiety, depression, starts deep rooting itself in their mind. They are hit by a sudden wave of shock. Cloud of uncertainty starts hovering above their head. Everything seems shaded in grey. It appears as if the breath is sucked out of their lungs. But, this is not the end. There are chances of a miracle, and one such miracle is cure of cancer. Even though, cancer is debilitating, it cannot put an end to your dreams.

Dealing with cancer is challenging. There may be episodes of anxiety along with depression. You must make yourself strong to fight and survive the cancer. Depression and anxiety also affects your recovery and survival hence, making it necessary for your co-operation to ward off the mental effects. Several factors contribute to the development of anxiety and depression such as psychological, contextual, individual, and social factors. The Diagnosis and treatment itself trigger the mental problems in individuals with no psychiatric history. Individuals with psychiatric history tend to have more pronounced symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Self-guilt may cause the onset of depression in few patients. People diagnosed with lung cancer may blame themselves for smoking. The stigma associated with certain types of cancer also plays a major role in mental health. Chemotherapy induced baldness may affect the confidence of majority, especially females. Most of the treatment modalities interfere with the biological mechanism of the body and may lead to the depression and anxiety.

How to overcome this phase?

3MEDS-anticancer medicines provider in India recommends certain proactive approach to care for your physical and mental health.

Discuss your problem and well-being:

It is very important for the patient to acknowledge the treating staff or nurse about their anxiety, problems. This helps to plan the proper treatment protocol. Most of the times, mental health remains unnoticed. A doctor may fail to notice it in busy schedule. It’s your duty to tell the doctor. Sharing your apprehensions helps a lot.

Exercise and movement:

A light exercise will show many changes in your mood. A short distance walk in fresh air will help to calm down your agitated nerves. Cancer may affect certain regular practices, but that doesn’t mean you cannot exercise. Have a routine to spend some time in solace. Feel the beauty of nature. Move around your locality. In case of pandemic, use your balcony instead of moving to public places. These are simple things which will help you to cope up with the cancer.

Look after your appearance:

Cancer may interfere with your diet. There might be weight loss. Chemotherapy alters the taste resulting in reduced intake of diet. This leads to malnutrition. Once glowing face, may no longer appear healthy. Despite all these, you should look yourself in the mirror and say you haven’t changed. Beauty is secondary. It fades away over a period. But your soul is real, emotions are real. Upgrade your soul and you no longer will be affected by skin changes.

Celebrate your achievements and success:

Rewarding oneself is the best approach one can opt for. No matter, how silly is the task, achievement always bring joy. This joy can spread positivity in yourself. Be it a task of performing exercise, or indulging in your hobbies. Mindfulness results alleviation of apprehensions.

Prepare To-Do list:

List down the books you want to read in bad times. Follow your passion. Play your favourite tune. Draw, paint, sketch if that makes you happy. Plant a sapling. Listen to motivational speech. Collect your favourite stones. These are simple but will help in bad days. Sleep well, eat healthy.

Remember good memories and don’t hanker on past:

Thinking about past life, or life before cancer will put you down. You may no longer be able to do certain things which you were fond of. Hankering on those days will upset you more. Take cancer as challenge and learn to live relishing only good memories.

In a nutshell,

Cancer is devastating not only for the patient, but also to the caregiver, loved ones. Giving positive assurance of getting better may seem to be of no use, when the uncertainty of death fogs the sense. Visit your psychiatrist. If recommended for cognitive behavioural therapy; follow it. You may be prescribed with antidepressants which can be ordered online from 3MEDS-best pharmacy app in India. Do not step out in pandemic, and stay positive.

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