What Constitute Head And Neck Cancers?
The cancers arising in the mucosal lining of the head and neck are called head and neck cancers. The common cancers are oral cancers, pharyngeal cancers, laryngeal cancer, nasal and paranasal cancers, and salivary gland cancers. Cancers other than these regions do not come under head and neck cancers. These cancers often come with difficulty of speech, mastication, and breathing. Therefore, early diagnosis play a very important role in head and neck cancers.
The common form of head and neck cancers are squamous cell carcinomas due to their origin in squamous cells. However, salivary gland cancers arise in different cells. Order medications from 3MEDS-Best online pharmacy in Delhi. Let’s begin with the description of different types of head and neck cancers;
Oral cancer: the cancer affecting the structures of the oral cavity constitute head and neck cancer. The common sites for cancer development in the oral cavity are;
· The anterior two-thirds of tongue
· Lips
· Gums
· Inner surface of lips facing the tongue
· Below the tongue
· Inner side of the cheeks
· Hard palate
· Retromolar region (area behind the wisdom tooth)
Pharyngeal cancer: the cancer arising in the pharynx constitute pharyngeal cancer. The pharynx is a long tube connecting your nose and oral cavity to the stomach. It is the scientific name of throat. Pharynx consists of three parts, i.e. behind the nose, near the soft palate and tonsils, and lowest part of the pharynx. The cancer can originate in any of these parts.
Laryngeal cancer: the cancer arising in the larynx constitute laryngeal cancer. It is nothing but, voice box in simple terms. It comprises vocal cords and epiglottis which help in generating sound and preventing entry of food into the windpipe.
Nasal and paranasal cancers: the cancer arising in the nose and sinus area (area surrounding the nose) constitute nasal and paranasal cancers.
Salivary gland cancers: the cancer arising in the major and minor salivary glands constitute salivary gland cancers. The minor salivary glands are located in the roof of the oral cavity and major salivary glands in the floor of the mouth near the jawbone. They produce saliva.
Symptoms of head and neck cancers
The symptoms are described according to the location of the cancer which are as follows;
Symptoms of oral cancers:
· Appearance of reddish or whitish patch in any of the sites.
· Presence of ulcer which grows without healing.
· Bleeding from the oral cavity.
· Swelling and painful jaws.
Symptoms of pharyngeal cancer:
· Discomfort or pain while swallowing
· A sore throat which doesn’t go even with medications
· Difficulty in talking, and breathing
· Difficulty in hearing
· Headaches
· Pain in the ear, ringing sound
Symptoms of laryngeal cancer:
· Changes in voice
· Painful swallowing
· Painful ears
Symptoms of nasal and paranasal cancers:
· Chronic sinusitis which don’t respond to antibiotics
· Sinus blockage which fails to clear
· Nasal bleeding
· Headache
· Swelling around the eye
· Pain in the upper jaw teeth
· Ill-fitting dentures
Symptoms of salivary glands:
· Painful jaws and chin
· Swelling of the jaws or chin
· Numbness or paralysis of facial muscles
· Pain in the face or neck
Other general symptoms of head and neck cancers are;
Lump or sore throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, unusual sores in the mouth, presence of blood in spit or phlegm.
Causes of Head and Neck Cancers
· Tobacco is the main culprit. Both forms of tobacco, i.e. smoke (cigarette, beedi, cigar, hookah, dhumti) and smokeless (paan, gutka, khaini, mishri, zarda) are harmful.
· Alcohol is another main culprit. Alcohol amplifies the effect of tobacco.
· Viral infections of Human papilloma virus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus
· Nutritional deficiency of vitamin A, B.
· Exposure to sun, or people residing closer to the equator
· People above 40 years of age
· Immunocompromised individuals
· Racial predilection for African-American race
· Ignorant towards oral health and dental issues
· Exposure to radiation
How Head And Neck Cancers Diagnosed?
· Medical history
· History of symptoms
· Physical examination
· Laboratory tests like blood test, urine test, HPV test, biopsy.
· Imaging modalities like CT, MRI, and PET scan.
Treatments for Head and Neck Cancer
Based on the stage of the cancer, the treatment modality is determined. Check Cancer medicines price list, Delhi.
· Surgery: excision of tumour along with adjacent healthy tissues and lymph nodes.
· Radiotherapy: use of radiation to destroy the cancer cells
· Chemotherapy: use of drugs to kill cancer cells
· Targeted therapy: use of certain drugs which specifically target mutagenic gene or protein
Combination of treatments are done in few cases. Each treatment procedure comes with side effects which have to be discussed with your oncologist in prior.
Bottom line
Head and neck cancers in India is very high due to increase in the use of tobacco products. Excess use of spices also cause cancerous changes in the oral cavity. Avoid tobacco and alcohol to protect yourself and your loved ones. Avoid unnecessary exposure to sun and stay indoors when the sun is at peak. 3MEDS provide Generic medicines for Cancer India.