Cancer is one of the debilitating illness which marks lingering effects even after the cessation of the treatment. Those who overcome cancer phase is termed as ‘cancer survivors’. Being a cancer survivor is an achievement in itself. After fighting odds of cancer along with the assaults thrown by the treatment modalities, you are blessed with a new life. But, ‘uncertainty’ is one thing which keeps looming over the head of all the cancer survivors. The chances of recurrence keep haunting you. To be able to lead normal life is another question mark for all the cancer survivors. However, nothing is impossible. As the time goes by, you get accustomed to ‘new normal’. To achieve this, you need to consider some tips.
Cancer treatment accompanies certain side effects which may last even after the completion of treatment. The life after cancer treatment differs for two persons. It cannot be alike, you may be in a better health, but your friend or someone, who has undergone same treatment may experience ill-health. Your emotions may be different from someone you know. The best way to cope-up with life after cancer treatment is to listen to your intuitions. Do not force your emotions. Accept them. Try to be positive, but do not fake being positive as it will further put burden on you. Buy prescription cancer medicines online.
Here are Few Tips to Cope with Life after Cancer Treatment.
Follow regular exercise
Exercise or physical activity is a boon for cancer survivors. It may seem Herculean task due to lingering effects of treatment. The lasting fatigue may depress your vigour to do exercise. You may get tired easily or find it difficult to continue regularly. This is completely okay. Do not rush for anything. Begin your exercise after talking to your cancer care team. Go out for a walk in your locality or to the nearby park. Use stairs instead of elevators for short distance. 150 minutes of exercise per week is recommended for adult cancer survivors.
Several studies have revealed good results with incorporation of physical exercise after cancer treatment. Recurrence rate has been reduced in few individuals treated for breast cancer, colon cancer, etc. Do not stress yourself. Do according to your limits. Take rest in between.
Consume balanced diet
A healthy diet is essential to restore your lost vigour. Consult your nutritionist and plan a balanced diet. Use high protein, low fat diet. Incorporate vitamins and minerals to boost your immunity but, do not exceed the daily requirement. Some food components produce free radical which fight off the cancer cells. Therefore, have a mixed diet. Consume fruits instead of bakery products.
Take adequate rest
A good amount of rest will give your body it’s time to repair the damage. Cancer, and its treatment will cause damage for your body. Those who have undergone surgery, may require time to heal the wound. It may also result in morbidity. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may damage sensation and secretions. You may feel pain or dryness in the area affected. When you come across all these, you shouldn’t hurry to get back to normal. Allow your body to heal. Take pain medications as prescribed by your doctor.
Quit harmful habits
Smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol heavily increases the risk of cancer recurrence. No matter, how tempting these habits seem, you develop a strong will, to give up these habits permanently. If you find it difficult to quit, enroll yourself in rehabilitation programmes recommended by your doctor.
Avoid stress, and stay positive
You may feel stressed thinking about how your life will move on. The Financial burden of the treatment along with the morbidity caused by treatment may cause a lot of stress. You may have to avoid certain things which you enjoyed before cancer. Those who received treatment for ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, prostate cancer, penile, etc. may have problems with sexual life. All these will create stress. In such instances, do not lose hope, and stay positive. Adopt stress coping strategies like meditation, yoga, mindfulness, counselling, share your emotions with friends and family. Take antidepressants to deal with anxiety after talking to your doctor. Buy medications from medical store online Delhi.
Bottom line
Know your worth. Do not degrade yourself if you are unable to do certain things. Do not rush in getting normal. Everything takes time and so is your ability to adjust your life after cancer treatment. Say no to yourself if you find some tasks exhausting. Seek support, do not hesitate. Enroll in support groups to get motivated. Lastly, live your life as you desire. To reduce financial burden during cancer treatment, buy Generic anti-cancer medicines at low cost Delhi.