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  • Sabah Tyagi


Since December 2019, we have been hearing about the deadly impact of covid-19. With its origin located back to Wuhan, china, this virus has taken toll globally. A small virus, invisible to the naked eye can harm the human kind in a blink of an eye. Yes! This is the reality. The potential harm caused by covid-19 virus is visible in nook and corner of the world. Millions of lives lost in a span of few months is really frightening. With billions still infected, it’s a matter of the greatest concern.

News headlines are flooded with the terrific news of the mortality rates caused by the covid-19. However, this mortality rate is just a fraction of actual deaths. More than half of the cases fail to report it to the health care official. The dire impact of this virus is hidden by the politicians and health officials to lessen panic among the public. Covid-19 has not just affected one continent, but have spread like a lightening across the seven continents of the world. Fatality rate in India at present is estimated to be about 2.5% which is comparatively low when compared with the other diseases causing mortality such as heart attack, cancer. However, this is the official report by health care officials, and the estimate is brought after looking into the available data. This excludes unidentified cases which are either not tested or failed to report it to the hospitals.

Why covid-19 is scary?

The history of SARS virus, which had caused havoc a century ago is still afresh in mind. One of the dangerous virus back then, it had created an atmosphere of uncertainty among the folks. Present covid-19 virus or SARS-CoV-2 is the variant of the SARS which is much more dangerous and is capable of causing the worst infections in the human kind. Vaccine to prevent this virus spread is still unavailable. Most of the vaccines which have been brought forth failed in human trials. Mutation of the virus is one more added point to its toxicity. WHO statement, where it is mentioned covid-19 as air borne disease has caused more pressure to carry out the daily routine. The mainland origin of covid-19 i.e. China reported the first outbreak and was the first country to successfully manage its outbreak; however, did not provide the exact count and was under detecting the cases. This reckless act of china put the entire globe on risk. Failure to inform the tourists in china about the impact of the virus led to transmission of the disease to the neighbouring countries. All we can do is to stay home and make use of 3MEDS-best healthcare service provider in India to avail your medications.

How accurate is the testing?

The testing method used to detect covid-19 is polymerase chain reaction or simply PCR. However, there is no cent percent accuracy regarding the results produced by PCR test for covid-19. This further reflects the reduced number of cases reported than actual cases. Swab collected from the patients are sent to the diagnostic laboratory. Even the most conventional predictions followed by Mayo clinic depicts greater difference and point towards urgency to find a more accurate approach to diagnose the disease. Most of the swab samples from the hospitals get missed before reaching the laboratory. Delayed reports result in the death of many individuals which further effects the total count of the confirmed cases. All these shows that the reality is much bigger than any of the headlines.

In India, at present few states are affected by floods, where it has become practically impossible to keep an eye on new infections. There is no social distancing followed in the flood affected areas, which is a serious situation. This may lead to exponential growth of covid-19 curve instead of getting flattened. We never know the actual number of cases there. Therefore, the media are not truly a reliable source to present the reality of the pandemic.

In a nutshell

Remember that official counts presented by health care officials, and the ministry of health is just a political football to keep the numbers low and hide the actual truth from the public. Even the president Donald Trump of the USA did not admit the actual number of cases at the beginning. Numbers mentioned by the anchors is just the tip of iceberg and the rest is unknown to the world. Stay home and use e-pharmacy like 3MEDS-best medicine app in India for medications. Therefore, do not ignore the fact that reality is much bigger than any covid-19 headline.

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