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  • Sabah Tyagi


Updated: Jul 14, 2020


Calcium is a mineral with the symbol Ca and number 20. Calcium is that the most abundant metal and therefore the fifth-most abundant element within the physical body. As electrolytes, calcium ions play an important role within the physiological and biochemical processes of organisms and cells: in signal transduction pathways where they act as a second messenger; in neurotransmitter release from neurons; in contraction of all muscle fibre types; as cofactors in many enzymes; and in fertilization. Calcium ions outside cells are important for maintaining the electric potential across excitable cell membranes, protein synthesis, and bone formation.


Calcium deficiency also referred to as Hypocalcaemia is low calcium levels within the serum. The traditional range is 2.1–2.6 mmol/L (8.8–10.7 mg/dl) with levels but 2.1 mmol/l defined as hypocalcaemia. India has quite 1 million cases per annum of hypocalcaemia. Long term deficiency causes changes in dental tissues, skeletal tissues, brain.

Recommended dietary allowance consistent with National Institutes of Health (NIH):

Children quantity

9-18 years 1,300 mg

4-8 years 1,000 mg

1-3 years 700 mg,

7-12 months 260 mg

0-6 months 200 mg

Postmenopausal women are more in danger to develop calcium deficiency, followed by menstruating women than males.


· Hyperparathyroidism: - Disfunctioning of the parathyroid, which is that the prime source of secreting PTH hormone, successively regulating calcium levels in blood. If gland fails to manage low calcium levels, it results in calcium deficiency. ·

· Hypophosphatemia: increased phosphate levels ·

· Vitamin D deficiency: deficiency of vitamin D thanks to lack of exposure to sunlight. ·

· Chronic liver disease: cirrhosis of liver ·

· Edentate disodium ·

· Magnesium deficiency: ·

· Prolonged use of medications/laxatives (magnesium): to alleviate constipation ·

· Osteomalacia: softening of bones ·

· Osteoporosis: reduced mineral content in bone ·

· Chronic renal failure ·

· Ineffective active vitamin D ·

· Hypoparathyroidism/genetic ·

· Post-surgery hyperparathyroidism ·

· Hungry bone syndrome: after surgical removal of parathyroid

· Tumour lysis syndrome: complication of cancer

· Acute kidney injury

· Rhabdomyolysis (initial stage): rapid breaking of the damaged striated muscle

· As a complication of pancreatitis: inflammation of pancreas

· Alkalosis: increased alkaline pH in body

· Massive red blood corpuscle transfusion results in excess citrate within the blood

· Neonatal hypocalcaemia: seen in infants

· Foscarnet use: antiviral medication

· Loop diuretic use: wont to treat hypertension, oedema

· Crohn’s disease: sort of inflammatory bowel disease

· High level of carboxylic acid within the blood

· Pseudohypoparathyroidism: resistance to PTH hormone in spite of normal levels.

· Low dietary intake of calcium and vegans


No symptoms appear in early stages of deficiency, however prolonged deficiency results in severe symptoms like: ·

. Confusion or forgetfulness (amnesia)

· Spasm of muscles

· Tingling, numbness of hands, feet and face

· Depression

· Hallucinations

· Muscle cramps

· Weak and brittle nails

· Easy fracturing of the bones

Deficiency of calcium affects all parts of the body leading to weak nails, slow rate of hair growth, and fragile, thin skin, brittle teeth.

· Calcium also plays a crucial role in both neurotransmitter release and muscle contractions. So, calcium deficiencies can cause seizures in otherwise healthy people.

· Petechiae which appear as reddish spots, and later turns into purpura.

Oral lesions. Perioral lesions. Tingling sensation or numbness in hands, feet and face is the earliest symptom


Include calcium rich diet:

Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, like yogurt and cheese, sardines, salmon, soy products, and fortified breakfast cereals, tofu, green leafy vegetables: like broccoli, turnip leaves, watercress, and kale, fortified fruit juices, nuts and seeds, especially almonds, sesame, and chia, legumes and grains, cornmeal corn tortillas. 3mg of calcium is out there in 100mg of water.

Calcium supplements after consulting your doctor. these are often accessed from Best healthcare service provider in India.

Few supplements composition include: Supplements may contain different proportions of calcium compounds and elemental calcium. For example: ·

. Calcium carbonate: This contains 40% elemental calcium.

· Calcium lactate: This contains 13% elemental calcium.

· Calcium gluconate: This contains 9% elemental calcium.

· Calcium citrate: This contains 21% elemental calcium.

One can consume it with or without food. It’s useful for people with inflammatory bowel disease, achlorhydria, and a few absorption disorders. Order online from medical store near you with home delivery.

Just in case of acute severe hypocalcaemia, intravenous calcium gluconate 10% is suggested.


Calcium deficiency shouldn’t be ignored. Once you find symptoms immediately consult your doctor and obtain the specified supplements. Just in case of vitamin D deficiency order vitamin D supplements from best medicine app in India. Consume calcium rich diet. Extra care must be taken among pregnant, lactating and postmenopausal women.

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