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  • Sabah Tyagi

Why the pharmacy shop owner need online pharmacy app?

Exponential growth of e-commerce has taken upper hand over the conventional markets. Almost every sort of business has entered into e-commerce making the sustenance of local shops difficult. From accessories, clothes, groceries, electrical gadgets to health care service, everything is available on online platforms. Present generation look for comfort zone. Online platforms provide convenience to the customers by making delivery of the goods, and services to the door steps. This reduces the time and energy spent on local shops in the market. This stands true for pharmacy shop owners as well.

Shops have lesser coverage when compared with e-business. Due to the limited access of the shop, their profit margin shows slower growth in comparison to the online pharmacies. Online pharmacy has broader coverage due to the use of an internet and hence rapid rise of profit margins. Often people find it cumbersome to stand in long queues to buy their medications from offline shops. With the trend of using mobile applications, pharmacy app is no exception.

Now I’ll tell you the benefits of having an app for your pharmacy. Let’s divide the benefits of the pharmacy into rainbow i.e. seven colours.

1. Promotion and marketing innovation:

Having an app for your pharmacy serves as an excellent tool for promoting and marketing your business. Use of advertisements and attractive site is all you need to compete with other healthcare pharmacies online. Having an app help in building sense of confidence among the customers. You also get an insight into likes and dislikes of customers which aid you in improvement of your app services. 3MEDS-best medicine app in India is one such example.

2. Access to more customers:

Having an app increases your presence over large areas. Often people find it difficult to visit website on a daily basis, but app serves as a better medium between the seller and the buyer. Regular notifications regarding upgrading of medicines or new products and discounts helps in attracting more and more customers due to increased convenience. Modern generation lacks patience and search for things where work gets done in an instant.

3. Increased competition:

Owning an app for your pharmacy increases the competition. Availability of the services for 24x7 hours helps to increase your hold in the e-market. Delaying of services leads to disqualification and gradual loss of customers. Therefore, an app is easy way to respond to your clients in your location with the help of your phone.

4. Regular up-gradation:

Incorporating an analytical tool for your pharmacy apps helps in analysis of the services offered by you. Feedbacks, suggestions etc. gives idea about the needs of the customers and thus, aids in making necessary changes in your app.

5. Increasing profit margins:

App for your pharmacy not only benefits your customers, but also the owner i.e. you. You can maintain your offline shop for local customers and online app for customers over distant places. This increases the sale of medicine on both online and offline platforms and adding extra bonus to your profit margin.

6. Improved convenience to customers:

Having useful features of your pharmacy app ease the search of the customers. It enables them to create their personal account where basic information of the customer is stored. Apart from this app also provides detailed catalogue of drugs available on online pharmacy. Customers can read description about the drugs as well as search for suitable substitutes. It basically enhances the convenience of the clients. Enabling upload of prescription is one more bonus point. It also helps the customers to track their orders and allows consultation with registered pharmacist to clear their queries.

7. Having your own brand of pharmacy:

An app gives way for the development of strong band for your online pharmacy. Customer reviews and rating improves your web presence and attracts the customers. One such brand is 3MEDS-Best healthcare service provider in India, the most trusted source to buy your medicines online.

If you cannot afford for an app development, you can contact online pharmacy franchise such as 3MEDS-medical store franchise who are there to increase the sale of your medicines through their app. All you need is to maintain a little percentage for the app owner for each order.


As I have furnished you with the benefits of having an app for your pharmacy, it’s up to you make a quick decision and enter into the world of e-commerce and make your own stand. Customer convenience is the main motto behind developing an app. Apart from this, it’s beneficial for both the parties. Change with the time and flourish yourself.

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