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Sabah Tyagi

Updated: Jul 6, 2020


Covid-19 is a virus which originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Covid-19, when elaborated stands for coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19). Coronavirus strain is most commonly found in bats, and hence it’s assumed that the probable source of transmission of covid-19 is of zoonotic origin. It belongs to a group of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) declared covid-19 as health emergency on 30 January 2020. By this time virus had taken control over many other countries after china. By March 11 2020 WHO declared covid-19 to be pandemic as the virus had taken toll all over the globe.


The total number of covid-19 affected individuals all over the globe are 10.6 million, and recovered cases number in 5.48 million. Number of deaths all across the globe is 516 thousand as for now.

In India, total number of affected cases are 6 lakhs while the recovered cases are 3 lakhs. Number of deaths being 18 thousand as per current data.


Covid-19 is transmitted through small droplets produced while coughing, sneezing and talking. It is primarily spread among people who are in close contact with the infected individual. Droplets produced fall onto inanimate bodies, which when touched by healthy individual can cause infection. Virus in droplets do not travel over long distance in air and hence it’s ruled out to be air- borne disease.


It usually presents flu like symptoms just like any other viral infection. Incubation period of the virus ranges from 2 to 14 days after contraction of virus. It varies in individuals. Few may present the onset on symptom by 5th day after the contraction of virus, while few may present by 14th day.

Symptoms range from mild, moderate to severe infection. It can also be asymptomatic in few individuals which poses great challenge in identifying the affected individuals and also there in increased risk of transmission through these individuals.

Some of the common symptoms of covid-19 include:




Shortness of breath

Loss of taste sensation and smell


Sore throat

Body pain and aches


Runny nose

Few individuals also present with rashes, diarrhea etc. symptoms are more pronounced in patients with underlying medical conditions i.e. heart diseases, diabetes, lung diseases.

In severe cases i.e. when complications arise, patient may present with symptoms of


ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)

Several organ failure

Opportunistic bacterial or viral infection

Blood clots

Heart related problems


When an individual is infected with covid-19 and the symptoms are mild, he/she is advised to self-isolate at home itself. When a person present with any of the above mentioned symptom, immediately call the health authority and take the appropriate measures.

10 basic steps to be followed at home in fight against covid-19

1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water:

Washing hands with soap kills the bacteria or virus and thus reducing its load. One must wash their hands immediately after coughing or sneezing. Thorough washing of hands is must before and after cooking meals, after using toilets, after entering home from outside.

2. Maintain an alcohol based hand sanitizer:

Rubbing your hands with little drop of alcohol based sanitizer helps in deactivation of virus or bacteria. Alcohol is the potent source to kill the pathogens and hence it’s advisable as precautionary measure for covid-19. Care must be taken while handling sanitizer and keep out of reach of children.

3. Cover your mouth with face-mask:

As the source of virus spread is liquid droplets splattered during coughing, sneezing and talking; one must wear face-mask without fail to cover their mouth. If any of the person in home is suffering from any of the symptom, care must be taken to avoid its spread among the family members.

4. Maintain at least 3 feet distance from the individual who is ill.

Covid-19 virus cannot travel over long distance and hence a minimum distance will prevent its transmission.

5. Keeping oneself hydrated and consumption of nutritious food:

Having proper quantity of nutrition and adequate hydration helps in boosting immunity and thus fight the viral attack.

6. Avoid touching face, eyes and nose:

Hands may be contaminated with virus which may serve as an entry route when face, eyes, nose are touched. Thorough washing of hands helps in prevention.

7. Usage of dedicated utensils for ill patients:

Have dedicated utensils for food, water especially for ill patients. Frequent change of bed linens, dedicated washroom and isolated room with proper ventilation will stop the spread of infection among the members of the family.

8. Frequent sanitisation of door handles or other surfaces:

Keep an eye on surfaces touched by the ill patient and cleanse them frequently using disinfectant.

9. Avoid going out in crowd, hanging out with friends or any of the populous places:

Asymptomatic individuals are the potential carriers of the infection. Hence maintaining a suitable distance is mandatory and best being staying at home.

10. Monitor everyone’s health regularly:

Monitoring of symptoms will help in early detection and early control over the infection. When a symptom is detected, do not delay in calling your respective health authority. In case of mild symptoms, ask your doctor for a prescription. To avoid going out, Order online using best medicine app in India with 24 hours medicine home delivery.


There is light after every tunnel. Do not panic and adopt appropriate precautionary measures to avoid transmission. Follow guidelines issued by the national health authority. Stay home as much as possible. And search for any medical store near me with home delivery. .

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