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Oral Cancer: Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Sabah Tyagi

Oral cancer is an abnormal tissue proliferation, which in its course damages the adjacent structures within the oral cavity. Most of us have come across people who is either suffering from oral cancer or those who already got treated, those who cannot be treated due to the advanced stage of cancer. However, may be the presentation, it always leaves devastating effect on the individual.

Just like the rest of the organs of the body, oral cavity is of utmost importance. Just imagine the plight of the individual who is battling this type of cancer, right in his mouth which interferes in talking, eating, drinking. Sometimes, due to the removal of the tongue the individual may remain dumb till his last breath.

3MEDS-Cancer medicines provider in India is concerned with the health of their customers and therefore is engaged in spreading awareness about oral cancer.


Plethora of factors predispose an individual to develop of oral cancer. If we look back to the history, the most widely known 6 ‘S’ is considered to play major role, namely; Smoking, Spirit, Sharp tooth, Sunlight, Sepsis, Spicy food.

Genetic susceptibility: history of oral cancer in family is one of the risk factor. There is also an increased susceptibility to chromosome damage by mutagens.

Immune status: immunocompromised individuals tend to show an increased incidence and those with advancing age. HIV positive patients are another group to show increased risk.

Environmental factors: individuals exposed to actinic radiation, prolonged working hours under sunlight, fair skinned individuals due to lack of melanin, and residents closer to the equator are more prone to develop cancer of lips. Atmospheric pollution arising from industrial waste and automobile exhausts, gas emitted from burning charcoal etc.

Tobacco consumption: both smoke and smokeless tobacco are equally responsible for the onset of oral malignancies. Tobacco accounts for 90% of oral cancer in males. 80-85% of tobacco is consumed in India either as beedis or cigarettes. Apart from this, cigars, hookah, chutta, pipes. Chewable tobacco includes khaini, mishri, zarda, guthka, mawa, snuff, paan. Tobacco comprises nicotine, nitrosodiethanolamine, nitrosoproline, polonium, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Benzopyrene is the most potent carcinogen found in cigarette smoke.

Alcohol: second major risk factor. Dark coloured drinks are more hazardous. Ethyl alcohol increases the permeability of the mucosa and metabolite of ethanol, i.e. acetaldehyde, readily damages the cells.

Systemic conditions: autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis, diabetes resulting in excessive formation of free radicals promote carcinogenesis.

Viral disease: syphilis, Epstein bar virus, human papilloma virus-16 along with other risk factor promote cancer formation.

Poor nutrition: diet low in vitamin A, C, E, iron, selenium, folate etc.

Oral hygiene and dental factors: poor oral hygiene, faulty restorations, ill-fitting dentures, sharp teeth, chronic trauma, microbes from dental plaque.


Early signs:

· Persistent red/white lesion

· Non-healing ulcer

· Progressive swelling or enlargement

· Changes in lingual or inner surface of tongue

· Sudden mobility of tooth without apparent cause

· Unusual oral bleeding/epistaxis

· Hoarsening of voice for long duration

Late signs;

· Indurated area (hardened)

· Paraesthesia, dysesthesia of tongue or lips

· Airway obstruction

· Chromic earache

· Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)

· Inflammation of neck lymph nodes

· Persistent pain or referred pain

· Altered vision

· Epiphora


Imaging modalities: x-rays of oral cavity, CT scan (computed tomography), MRI scan (magnetic resonance imagery, PET scan (positron emission topography) to detect size and extent of tumour.

Vital staining: toluidine blue dye is used to detect malignant lesions of the oral cavity. Use of chemiluminescent devices which works on the principle of fluorescence.

Exfoliative cytology: exfoliated tissue can be collected using firm strokes of tongue blade, cement spatula, or brush.

Histopathological examination: biopsy of the tissue to detect presence of dysplastic cells.

Molecular analysis: markers like cyclin D1, p53, cox 1 & 2 etc.

3MEDS- Anti cancer medicine supplier gives brief insight into the treatment protocols for oral cancer;

The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) has developed Tumour-Nodes-Metastasis (TNM) staging of cancer, which reflects prognosis & is therefore determinants for treatment strategy. Accordingly 4 stages of cancer have been described.

Surgery: it involves surgical removal of the carcinoma from the oral cavity followed by reconstruction of the diseased part.

Radiation therapy (brachytherapy): either used as a modality to cure or in combination with surgery and chemotherapy for better results. To accomplish therapeutic effects, radiation therapy is provided in regular fractions for a scheduled number of days.

Chemotherapy: chemotherapy involves administration of chemotherapeutic agents. It is separated into different types:

Cytotoxic therapy: -used for killing of cancer cells. Principal agents used are taxol and derivatives, platinum derivatives (cisplastin & carboplatin), 5-fluorouracil & hydroxyurea.

Targeted therapy: -used as adjuncts or replacements for older agents. The EGFR antibody, cetuximab is used.

Photodynamic therapy: -it applies light over tissue that initially absorbed exogenous sensitizer. May be delivered systemically or topically. Subsequent light delivery to target tissues results in cellular destruction.

Gene therapy: -objective of reversing dysplasia in oral epithelial lesion. Comprises suicide gene therapy, immunotherapy, oncolytic virus therapy, inhibition of tumour angiogenesis, gene deletion therapy and antisense RNA.


Often, people are ignorant towards oral health and pay less attention. This ignorance invites lot of unnecessary problems. Oral cavity isn’t only about teeth, there is more to it. It is the mirror of the general health of the individual. Sometimes, cancer from other organs metastasize into oral cavity. Therefore one must always pay attention to any of the changes arising in the oral cavity. Keep updated and share among others.

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