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Stomach Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Sabah Tyagi

Overview of stomach cancer:

The cancer which arises in the cells lining the stomach is called stomach cancer. It is also known as ‘Gastric adenocarcinoma’. The diagnosis of stomach cancer is difficult due to the absence of symptoms in early stages. The stomach cancer slowly evolves making it difficult to spot it easily. Stomach is a three layered muscular bag divided into three parts. I.e. cardia, fundus, and antrum. The stomach cancer is the 4th most cancer in India with more predilection to males. In males, it is the 3rd most common cancer.

Mucus-producing cells present in the lining of the stomach undergoes cancerous changes, hence the name adenocarcinoma. The precise cause of stomach cancer is not known. It is believed to be a result of several predisposing factors like infection with H. Pylori, stomach ulcers, polyps, pernicious anaemia. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, then it’s best if you undergo screening of your stomach.

Know about the symptoms of stomach cancer. It will help you to identify changes in your stomach and seek medical help at the earliest. Buy cancer medicines at cheapest price with 24*7 home delivery.

What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?

The symptoms form a crucial part in diagnosis of the disease. These are a result of harmful effects of the disease produced onto the body. Several diseases may produce similar symptoms, and some may fail to produce symptoms. Therefore, being aware of the symptoms will help you in early diagnosis.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer:

· Indigestion

· Feeling nauseated

· Vomiting shorty after meals

· Heartburn

· Bloating which is there for most time

· Loss of appetite or feeling full in the small meal

· Diarrhoea

· Constipation

These symptoms are presented by many other illnesses. Consult your doctor if these are present frequently. For medications, download 3MEDS-Best medicine app Delhi.

Late symptoms of stomach cancer:

· Abdominal pain

· Bloody stool

· Unexplained weight loss

· Vomiting blood

· Difficulty in swallowing

· You may feel sensation of fullness in your throat

· Swelling of the abdomen

· Fatigue

· Malaise

· Jaundice or yellowing of the skin

If you come across these serious symptoms, then it’s highly recommended for you to meet your doctor. Ignorance will result in complications and difficulty in treatment.

Your doctor will question you regarding the duration of the symptoms, family history of the disease, habits like smoking, and any past infection of the stomach. Explain carefully as these will help in diagnosing of the stomach cancer.

Apart from these, you will be asked to undergo certain tests for more accurate diagnosis. Biopsy, endoscopy, CT scan and X-ray are some diagnostic tests used to detect stomach cancer.

What are the treatment options for stomach cancer?

The treating of stomach cancer requires a multi-disciplinary approach. The type of treatment is decided depending on the stage of cancer. Common treatments include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc. discuss with your doctor about the treatment strategy and possible side effects. It will help you to prepare yourself beforehand.


It is procedure wherein the tumour from the stomach is removed surgically. The type of surgery to be performed is based on the stage of the stomach cancer.

Partial gastrectomy: early stages of cancer is treated by partial gastrectomy. In this procedure, your doctor will resect your stomach along with adjacent lymph nodes. This is also called subtotal gastrectomy. The remaining part of the stomach is connected to the small intestine or oesophagus.

Total gastrectomy: when the cancer is spread beyond the inner lining of the stomach, your doctor may perform total gastrectomy. Here, the entire stomach is resected along with lymph nodes. It is followed by connecting oesophagus directly to the small intestine. This surgery is combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or both for better results.


It involves the use of high-energy radiation to destroy or shrink the tumour cells. For stomach cancer, external beam radiation is given. Radiotherapy consists of cycles and is given accordingly.


The use of chemotherapeutic drugs to destroy the cancer cells is known as chemotherapy. It is given either alone or in combination with radiotherapy and surgery. Buy prescription cancer medicines online.

Targeted therapy:

Here, the specific gene or protein is targeted with the help of drugs. These targeted genes are known for causing mutagenic changes in normal cells of the stomach. For stomach cancer, HER2-targeted therapy and Anti-angiogenesis therapy are followed.


It enhances the immune mechanism of the body to fight off the cancer cells.


The prognosis of the stomach cancer is solely based on early diagnosis. If you are diagnosed in early stages, there are high chances of getting complete cure with the help of treatment. However, in advanced stages of stomach cancer, treatment becomes highly challenging due to the widespread involvement of other organs. In such cases, you can opt for clinical trials. Above all, you must stay strong to defeat the cancer.

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