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Sabah Tyagi

Migraine is one of the commonest form of headache in females. Although it is found in both the genders, there is relatively high predilection for females. It is one of the debilitating type of headache which lasts for more than 24 hours if not responded immediately. It also interferes with the productivity of the life. There are more than 1 million people affected globally. Migraine is one of the neurovascular type of headache with recurrence. It is perceived as pulsating type in the half part of the head, usually on one side. There are different forms of migraine headache with varying symptoms.

The intensity of the headache varies from moderate to severe. Sometimes, headache tends to resemble stroke, due to numbness of half side of the body. Migraine is also associated with hallucination of flashing lights known as aura before the onset of other symptoms. There is no definite cure for the headache. Alteration of lifestyle practices and adoption of healthy diet can reduce the recurrence of headache. Migraine is initiated with exposure to triggering factors. Trigger factor can be environmental, physical, emotional or dietary. Let’s have a look into common trigger factors for migraine.


3MEDS-online pharmacy in India mentions certain common triggering factors for migraine:

Triggering factors combines an array of genetic and environmental factors. In short, it is an amalgamation of physical, mental, hormonal, and dietary factors.

Physical factors:


Strenuous exercise like heavy work-outs, weight lifting, sports in hot sun, etc. these factors cause exhaustion and which indirectly serves as a trigger factor for initiation of migraine. Moderate intensity of exercise are essential for healthy living, but for migraine prone individual, these can be triggering at times. Long-distance travel without rest is also a trigger for migraine. Regular exercise reduces the episodes of attack as the body releases endorphins which act as natural pain killers.

Irregular sleep:

A good quality of sleep is extremely important to avoid triggering migraine. Irregular sleep leads to increase in the episodes of migraine attack. Insomnia due to disturbed circadian rhythm is also a triggering factor for migraine. Neither too much of sleep, nor too less of sleep is good for migraine. Maintain a proper pattern of sleep to avoid the recurrence.


Occasionally sex can be triggering factor for the onset of migraine attack. Sexual desire leads to release of serotonin. Sometimes disturbance in serotonin can trigger migraine. There are prodromal symptoms before the actual onset of headache. At this time, one should avoid indulging in other strenuous activities to stop the onset of attack.

Mental factors:


Stress is one of the important triggering factor for the onset of migraine. Stress is caused by many factors such as increased workload, unhealthy relationships, family problems, covid-19 pandemic. Al these hampers the quality of life in people suffering from migraine. Stress increases the migraine to double fold.

Psychological conditions like anxiety, depression:

These conditions interfere with the well-being of mental health of an individual. This results in undue stress and hence serve as a trigger for migraine.

Hormonal factors:


Hormonal changes or imbalance is one of the trigger factor for the migraine headache. Increased level of prostaglandins hormone and lowered levels of oestrogen in the body at the time of menstruation, menarche, menopause and pregnancy gives way for the onset of migraine. This may last before and up to 3 days after the onset of menstruation.

Use of oral contraceptives and other hormonal therapy:

As these causes the imbalance in the hormone, it becomes one of the triggering factor for the migraine.

Dietary factors:


Caffeinated drinks like coffee and chocolates containing caffeine have been known to trigger migraine in few individual.


Alcoholic drinks like wine is known to influence the onset of headache.

Certain food products like processed foods, aged cheese due to the presence of tyramine, a chemical, food containing artificial additives like aspartame and monosodium glutamate, certain meat containing nitrites or nitrates have known to influence migraine attack.

Citrus fruits like orange, sweet lime etc., food rich in salt like chips, spicy foods, chocolate containing beta–phenyl ethylamine, frozen food products like ice-cream etc. are few of the trigger factors.

Hunger or fasting is also a trigger for the migraine attack.

Environmental factors:

External stimuli like bright light or sunrays, loud noise of speakers, vehicles, events influence migraine headache. Certain strong perfumes and smoke are also known to trigger attack in few individuals.


As we are aware of the common triggering factors for the migraine attack, it’s our duty to avoid the trigger factors as much as possible to reduce the number of episodes. Due to the fact that there is no definitive cure for migraine, the only way I to adopt healthy lifestyle and cut off the trigerring food factors. Make use of e-pharmacy like 3MEDS-best medicine app in India to buy your medications online and reduce the exposure to external stimuli like sunshine.

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